Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Why does it take longer to build a blonde snowman than a regular one?

You have to hollow out the head. 

Today went pretty good.  We went to story time and Jenn came over to sew which is fun.  Friday I had dropped my sewing machine and it made the light go out so today when Casey came home we went and got a new light bulb and everything working great now.  It was an easy fix.  Sunday night I had been unpacking baby clothes and we made a fort with the boxes.  Casey wanted to get more boxes to make it better so we drove to a couple places tonight but couldn't find any.  We will keep on searching.  The smog is getting bad again, I am ready for spring to be here.  Their is a patch of grass under the apricot tree and their were a millions birds eating something there today.  It was neat to see.  Everyone have a good night and don't work too hard.


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