Sunday, January 19, 2014

Part of my life

We had a good weekend.  It was nice to go slow and be home.  We went on a walk yesterday with the wagon and then me and Isaac headed to the fun park for the birthday party.  Casey went with Isaac to the fun park Friday night and didn't have it in him to go again.  It was fun at the birthday party and it was good to talk with everyone.  The fun park wasn't supper organized but they did a good job and it would be a good place for a party.  Today we went to church and Isaac would not go to sharing time.  He wouldn't stay with Casey he only wanted to go to my class.  He was upset so he just came with me.  He went to his class fine afterwards.  I stayed for a minute and he is Mr Chatterbox.  He is really cute.  His teachers said that he insisted that he had blue hair, attached the picture from Sunbeams.  He has also been saying all weekend that "It is a big part of my life" or "This is a happy time of my life".  I am not sure where he got it but it is funny.  I love the gift basket that you got from work Mom, that is awful sweet of them.  You are a hard worker and it is nice that people recognize that.  Robin I really like your steam punk picture that was on facebook.  It looks like the photoshoot was a success, good job.  I am glad that you went shooting Karen.  That sounds fun.  I finished putting all of Oliver's clothes away and he has a lot.  I only did up to 6 months and put the rest in the closet.  It is looking a lot better in his room.  Well everyone have a good night and a good Monday.


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