Sunday, September 11, 2022


 Thanks for the fun time yesterday.  I wish we lived closer to everyone.  I miss you guys.  We got back late so we let the kids sleep in today and just me and Casey went to church.  It was ward conference so all the stake presidency was there.  The stake primary president came to our primary.  The said we are doing a good job.  The kids were singing so good for them.  I delivered some birthday books to primary kids.  Then I had a meeting.  The stake presidency came to our ward council and I was surprised it was done in an hour.  Casey worked today.  Isaac made some peach cobbler and it tasted really good.  I think we are going to make peach pie tomorrow.  We were going to watch the salmon run but it got too late.  Instead me and Casey took Tony on a walk.  The smoke is clearing out more which is nice.  I finished a another diamond bead.  I like doing them when the kids do their homework.  I hope everyone has a good Monday. 

Love Rachel

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