Monday, June 6, 2022


 We had a fun day.  I love summer.  I did not sleep well last night but it is ok.  I walked Tony this morning.  Casey flew to California and back today.  His meeting went well.  Me and the kids went to exercise class.  We did high and I love it.  I even have been able to do everything lately which is nice.  We had lunch and then went swimming.  It was so nice and we had so much fun.  It wasn't crowded.  The kids grew so much and can touch in the deep pool.  The can go off the diving boards and the water slides.  We all got burned today.  We put sun screen on but we probably should have reapplied it.  The snow cone place was closed because they were shorted staffed so we went to Sonic's on the way home.  I had physical therapy and the did the dry needling again.  The out two needles in and run electricity through the muscle. Bit is werid but I think it is helping.  On the way home there was a duck with her babies on the side of the road.  The Mom must have gotten scared and she flew into my windshield.  It was close to our house so I got Casey and we walked down to see if she was ok.  Their were six baby ducks in the field and we couldn't find the Mom anywhere.  So we put them in a bag and took them home.  We called animal control.  We had them in the backyard and we lost them.  Nina down the street called.  They had seen us with the ducks and the ducks were at her house.b we caught them and the animal control guy came.  He was going to find a new Mom for them.  Then Andy came over and we cleaned up the yard so we could mow.  Me and Casey mowed and the yard looks so nice.  I love a freshly mowed lawn.  Thanks for reading all of this and love you guys.

Love Rachel

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...