Friday, July 8, 2016

It just got real

I bought the hotels and lego land tickets today, YEA.  It will be a fun trip.  I did Sam's town on Friday night and Mesquite on Monday.  Their was a code in a lego movie and I got 30% off the lego land tickets which was nice.  Last night the boys were playing around and Oliver wanted to sleep in Isaac's bed.  Isaac was happy about that so they did it.  But around 3 Oliver started crying and had a hard time going back to sleep.  Ruthie hasn't been sleeping good either so it was a long night.  Today was good.  Isaac's friend came over and played and they had a fun time.  He was a cute boy.  This evening we went on a walk and Oliver and Isaac rode their bikes.  It was nice.  Tomorrow I am going to a baby shower in Pocatello for Kimi wish me luck.


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