Thursday, October 4, 2018


There was a pretty rainbow tonight.  We get a lot of them from our apartment.  I took trax home but they had a transformer blow up the same time Rachel did and they have to take a bus from downtown to 13th so I got off a Smiths.  It was nice to walk around.  Work was good.  It was nice to just be able to get some things done.  We at headed up to Kamas tomorrow after work.  Rachel if you want you can come join us.  I wasn't sure what you had decided to do.  I did make a major decision.  I am going to take off the 30 and 31 of October.  We have Josh on the 29th and I thought I would just go to Logan and hang out with the kids.  Is that OK?  Does that sound fun.  I did order the overalls tonight but I still need to order the sweater.  I spaced that until I placed the order.  I am going to do that as soon as I am done blogging.  Everyone have a wonder weekend.  Robin, I am glad you had a better day.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...