Monday, April 26, 2021


 It was cold and rainy today.  I got up to walk and looked outside and decided to just see instead of walk.  Exercise class was so hard and I felt out of shape.  Ruth had dance class and is so excited for her recital.  She tried on her outfits tonight and I think we are ready to go.  Oliver got another frowny face at school and was upset.  So we walked back in to talk with his teacher.  It was a good conversation.  She is wondering if he can't see so I am going to make an eye appointment for him.  Isaac was mad that we had to go back in.  He felt like it was unfair to Oliver.  Ruth had a tantrum when we got home because she couldn't find her sticker book.  It was a rough afternoon.  Oliver's soccer practice was cancelled so we started his lego and Isaac worked on his.  We went on a walk after dinner which was nice.  It had stopped raining.  Ruth put toothpaste all over the melition medicine and ruined.  She said it was a prank. Wish us luck tomorrow.  Love you guys.



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