Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Water guns

Mom, we are game for this weekend.  Does anything sound fun?  It is supposed to be a pretty day on Saturday, maybe a small hike or something.  Today was good.  This morning we went on a walk and it was nice.  Isaac reminds me of myself, he runs as far as he can ahead of us and then sits down and waits for us to catch up, I love it.  We played in the backyard and then had lunch.  Jenn came over to sew and it went a lot better today.  Oliver napped and Isaac was sweet to play a video game.  Ruth fell asleep half way through which was nice.  When Casey got home Isaac wanted a water gun with his allowance.  So Casey stayed with Oliver, who was asleep, and the rest of us went to Walmart and got them and some Popsicle.  We had a lot of fun with the guns.  Isaac was the good guy and I was the bad guy and we played for a long time.  It was nice to use squirt guns because you didn't get super wet.  Oliver liked to squirt people but not getting shot.  Casey had scouts this evening and we cleaned up the basement.  I pulled out some of Ruthie toys and she really liked them.  It was fun.  Well have a good night and don't work too hard.


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