Monday, November 6, 2023


My sleep.schedule was so off. I couldn't sleep at all. I did go to work. I needed to get my sleep schedule back on track. Work was long but I made it through. I wanted to make stir fry so I stopped at reams on my way home. They didn't have packets of cut up veggies. I went to the freeze to get some and all the freezers were broken. I just bought some veggies and cut them up. It tasted really good. I was proud. I kept thinking Isaac would be so proud. We arecwatching Wednesday and it is good. I kept falling asleep. They fixed the wiring today so Karen's TV works and we can use the fireplace downstairs. Have fun at the chamber music. I love that doll house. They always have seams on the back. I love the welcome sign you made us robin. Love you all mom

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