Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Hump Day

 I went into work today and got a lot done on contracts.  I was down to 14 emails when I left.  That doesn't happen very often to me.  I was so excited.  I have to go into work early tomorrow and do screenings.  I like that because I just visit.  Robin congratulations on 3rd trimester.  I am getting way excited.  Karen I am glad you remembered your allergy shot.  It is hard to go back weekly.  Rachel, I am glad that Isaac is feeling better. He was so cute on the phone.  I got our stimulus check today on direct deposit.  Go figure that one out.  I was super excited about that one.  Well have a nice rest of the week, it is suppose to be nasty the next two days.  Figures because I have to drive into work.  LOVE YA MOM 

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...