Wednesday, October 25, 2023


 Today was another busy day but it went well.  Work was good.  I got my classes all set up in the different programs.  My classes went ok.  The 6th graders intimidated me but I will do better next time.  I met with the other computer specialist for some more training.  It was good to go over things.  We are done meeting now but I can ask her questions when I need to.  Oliver had a Halloween party at his primary teachers house.  He looked so cute in his costume.  Ruth tried hers on and she was really cute.  Isaac decorated pumpkins with the young men's and he had a good time.  Casey took Tony on a run.  I took Ruth out with her coupon book and we went to shivers.  They had Halloween flavors and it was fun.  I forgot to post a picture but Monday I finished quilting a quilt.  I still need to bind it but it turned out really well.  I love my long arm machine.

Love Rachel

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