Monday, May 7, 2018


Thanks for the pictures Robin.  Thanks for the fun weekend and taking such good care of the kids.  They had a fun time.  Today was good.  I didn't babysit this morning so we just took it easy.  Oliver was super star today and was happy about that.  Casey rode his bike to work so I brought him a sandwich for lunch which was fun.  Isaac said his hair was too long so I cut it shorter and he styled it the way he wanted which was cute.  After dinner the girls next door came over to play for a bit.  Casey was talking about using the new lawn mower to mow the raspberries down and I got excited so we took out the wooden borders then dug up a blackberry bush and worked on taking down the treeless.  I think it will look really nice and it will be good not to have so many berries.  Here are a million pictures, you guys are the best.


Oliver made this at school for Mother's day

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...