Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Today was good.  The cucumbers are pilling up again so I am going to try to make pickles.  I cut them up during Isaac's nap and after I blog are going to make them.  I hope that it turns out.  Today Isaac wanted to go somewhere so we went to Shopko and I got some candy and a car prize for him to use the potty.  he loved the candy and sat on the potty a lot.  He wants to car but gets upset when he can't have it yet.  I think that tomorrow I am going to trow him in underwear in the morning and start working on it.  I had him sit on the potty tonight before the bath and he held it until he got in the bath tub.  He cracks me up.  This evening we went to Ryan's park and it is a really nice park.  We had a fun time and we haven't have much success at parks lately.  I think that we will go there a lot.  It was really nice.  Well I am off to can, everyone have a good night.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...