Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Never a dull moment

Dad made it to China.  He is in his hotel safe and sound.  He got stuck in Japan for a long time but he said he was doing good.  I had an interesting commute home.  We were heading home and they got on the loud speaker and said that trax was closed after 3900 South and we would all have to get off.  I thought that will be interesting, I have wanted to try the bus there.  When I hear the voice of the little handicapped guy that rides on my bus.  He was just panicked that he couldn't find his way home.  So I talked with him and he recognized me from the bus so we found our way back to his bus.  It took an hour but we did it.  He calmed right down as soon as he was on the right bus.  I guess there was someone that got killed on a bike.  That is the third time someone has gotten killed by trax since I started riding.  I went to Walmart when I got home and got my Tupperware to put my sweaters in.  My closet has a little more room in it now.  I guess we will have to go shopping for a new spring shirt.  I miss new shirt Friday.  I just love this spring weather.  I love summer time.  LOVE MOM

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