Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Well today, the guy that was "demoted" to do grommets with me found another job and put in his two weeks notice. The project manager had a huge smile on his face. it was kinda funny. BUT my boss was now all worried I was going to quit so he cornered me, then he stop talking for a second and started to get teary eyed and basically in a whole awkward nutshell called me awesome. So now I don't think I will be able to quit ever. But he did drop that he is going to ask for a raise for me so cross your fingers..... but other then that situation work was good. I went to the doctors and he said I don't have to come back and that I am fine. so yeah. Then I came home and slept. I was so tired from losing an hour. I was going to cook some treats for work but thats not going to happen tonight. Well that is all on my side, I was thinking of going to kamas on friday with mom if that is ok. have a great night RObin

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