Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ready for Bed

Karen I am glad that you walked to work, that is exciting.  I love that you live so close.  Robin I glad that you got some rest.  You need to take it easy.  That is so sad people get hit by the trax, I am glad that you were able to help that guy and both got home alright.  That is a long detour though Mom.  We had a busy day.  I had enrichment this evening and I needed to make black beans.  I had to thirteen times the recipe and  there were a lot of onions to cut up.  It turned out really good though, I thought it tasted good and I got compliments on it.  We had cafe rio salads and it tasted really good.  Enrichment was nice, it seemed long but the food was good and there were good speakers.  Isaac and Casey had a nice evening together also.  They went out for ice cream.  We are loving this weather.  I took out some of Isaacs toys to the backyard and we spent all afternoon out there.  I was nice.  I am tired now though.  I am ready for bed.  I am making us all jelly roll bags.  I have two done and two more half way done.  I will bring them this weekend.  I just thought it would be fun to have a new summer bag.  Everyone have a good night.


Isaac climbing a tree

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