Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Clip board of fun

Work was busy for me as well and I had to stay late to take minutes for a meeting.  I can leave early on Friday now.  I got us tickets for the race way on Saturday.  We are set to watch races.  Dad said there are three of them so it should be a fun night.  Has any one see if they are having Chaz's party.  I will call Jeff and check on that one.  The doors open at 4:00 and the final race is at 8.  I thought I would make lunch for us at my house on Saturday.  Do you want to go to the zoo in the morning?  Just a thought.  See how the kids are feeling.  Sunday we will be at Karen's we can either go see the sheep herding or hike mirror lake.  On Monday there is a hike that Karen said is fun in Midway.  I believe it is Cascade Falls.  I thought that would be nice.  So many choices.  Everyone have a great hump day.  It is Robin's and Casey's Friday.  That doesn't seem very fair but I am trying to deal with it.  We are going to meet Karen in Park city tomorrow to get food.  If anyone has good suggestions let us know.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...