Monday, August 27, 2018


I thought the race cars sounded fun also but I didn't know if that was too expensive.  I like Thanksgiving point also, we haven't been in a while.  We had a busy day.  It was raining this morning but it cleared up by the time to go to school so the kids rode bikes.  I worked out and that felt good, it is good to.  I took a quick shower and then we went to the bank and then picked up Leona.  We took her to a jewlers to fix her wedding ring and then we took her grocery shopping.  Me and Oliver made cupcakes this afternoon and he loved it.  After school Imogen came over and played until dinner.  Casey mowed the lawn and edged it with the weed eater.  The yard is looking really good.  Ruthie didn't sleep last night so at 5 she had a melt down and fell asleep in front of her door.  She woke up really grouchy and it took her a while to calm down.  It was nice to have a cooler day, I like it.


Oliver slide his stuffed animal down the slide and Ruth caught it

Oliver's stuffed animal was hurt so Ruth got her doctor kit and put a band-aid on him.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...