Friday, September 18, 2015

Mr Sun

Today was pretty good.  Casey said the job he turned down called him back and asked what it would take so he will call them Monday and see what they have to say, he can't have his phone at work.  It was cold this morning so I turned on the heater but it turned out to be a really pretty day.  The boys enjoyed being outside.  I got out all of Isaac's 18-24 month stuff and 2t stuff.  I had Oliver wear a 18-24 month sweater and pants today, they sweater fit really good but the pants were pretty big on him.  I finished all my blocks and got them in the right order.  I was working on it last night and I looked at the clock and it was 10:30, I lost track of time working on it.  I don't have a picture because I don't have anywhere to lay it out.  I don't have much else going on.  Everyone have a good weekend.


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 Your shed is looking really nice Robin, good job.  I am glad you finished the flooring in the spare bedroom.  That has to feel good.  Yeste...