Thursday, September 22, 2011


I keep thinking of things I am going to blog about and I forgot when I sit down to do it so I am going to cover some of those things. I got my Oct block of the month on Saturday, YEA, and I finished it yesterday. I fell like I am a failure when I finish them but when I stand back and look at them they aren't too bad. I have attached a picture. Also yesterday Mom and Dad got Isaac a new car seat that is front facing and he is sitting up. He likes it. We drove to Joanns today just to walk around and test it out and it went well. It was nice because I could point the AC at him and cool him off. Also I could wave at him and he liked that. I made one of the pork slices for lunch today and it was really good Mom. I think that I am going to make the roast tomorrow, I found a recipe online that looked good so I am going to try that. I bought a pedal for the Casio downstairs and that has been fun, it was only $20. Isaac really ins't into the piano really, today when I was playing he somehow got under his bouncer and was playing, it was really funny. I am starting to cut out the quilt we got at the quilt fair and I am excited about that. I joined Google + so if anyone wants to be my friend on that it would be fun. Well I think that it what I have been forgetting to say. I hope that everyone had a good day. I hope you last day was nice Robin.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...