Last night I was changing Isaac and he was a little fussy so I gave him his binki and he started chewing it, and it donned on me that last time he teethed I gave him his binki alot and he chewed it. Lately I never give it to him and that may be why it is taking long. So today I have been giving it too him a lot for something to chew. We went to church this morning that was nice. We just went to Sacrament. I am glad that you made it to your ward Mom, that will be really nice. We were out eating apples and I gave one to Isaac with a bit out of it and he loved chewing on that also. I think that it was good for his teeth. It was fun to watch. Casey wanted to moved our washer and dryer downstairs so Collin came over and helped him do that. Terry and his Dad came over after and we went out for Ice cream. They offered his Dad early retirement so he took it. He gets severance pay for one year, but he doesn't qualify for social security for two so he isn't sure what he is going to do after his severance pay. Well I had a really nice weekend, it was so fun to have everyone come up yesterday and today was nice to be at home. Here are some pictures of Isaac eating apples.

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