Thursday, September 22, 2011

Almost to the weekend

I did it. I went and got the flu shot. I figured I had to do it and prolonging it wasn't helping. It didn't hurt and I don't feel bad so that is good. It just kept making me mad that I wasn't given the choice. I had a good day. It was a quiet day and I like those. They said at Jiffy Lube is was a wiring issue and that he just wiggled a wire and it came on. He thinks I should go get the wiring looked at. I need to register the car in October I thought I would have it checked out then. I love your pictures Rachel. Thanks for posting them. Casey went out and checked the lights for me and they were all working so I feel better. I am meeting Kay and Jeff and Kay's family for pizza tomorrow night to give them the checks. Then I am completely done with Grandmas estate. I think that will help me calm down a little. At least I hope. My blood work all came back super normal. YEAH. That is all good. LOVE MOM

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