Monday, December 16, 2013

Last monday

today was good. The girl that is "splitting" a track with me is taking today, tuesday and wednesday. So that will be nice to get a mini break. Today was the last monday I had to work at sugar house in 2013 I am taking vacation for the next two weeks. I am so excited. its going to be a long week I feel like though waiting for the vacation days to start. I finished walter's quilt. I took it to work because I snipped through some threads when I was doing the edges and holes appeared so I thought I would just machine over it again. It doesn't look amazing but its done. I meet up with walter later in the night and delivered presents to some of his friends I will post a picture of the quilt tomorrow when i have more time. Thanks for mailing the bag rachel you are the best! Not to much else going on with me hope you have a great night robin

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...