Sunday, December 15, 2013


Yesterday Casey had Isaac sit on the potty and then he put in him underwear.  We had him in it most of the day and he did really well.  He peed twice in the potty and had one accident.  It was after he had peed in the potty and I don't think he emptied his bladder.  I did the same thing this morning before church and he did really well again.  He is a pro.  I am just going to start having him be in underwear when we are home and give it a go.  He is amazing.  Today at church they had him go into primary and he was upset going there but when we left he said that was so fun.  I think that he will get the hang of it.  He teacher is nice and we will work on it.  Casey didn't work this weekend and it was nice to have him home.  His friend never came up so it was just us.  I made the roast yesterday and it turned out really good, thanks Mom.  I finished the bag for Robin's friend today and I am going to mail it tomorrow.  I can't believe Christmas is almost here, it is coming really fast.


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