Wednesday, December 18, 2013


sorry I didn't blog last night I "watched" netflix mostly with my eyes closed but I did catch the first five minutes of something. then I rolled into bed. It was nice to sleep. I feel a little caught up today but still tired. tis is life. Only two more days of working at sugar house before I start vacation time :) so excited. work has been SO SLOW. its killing me. I have half of my gifts wrapped. I put things in boxes..... volla lazy man wrapping. Everything else that needs to be wrapped in paper I will do last minute. just to make me feel the christmas rush :) anyway not to much else with me I ordered pizza today because it was cold out and didn't want to make anything and did a batch of laundry mostly my blacks for pioneer. tomorrow I start again at elf my mini break is done. I got paid from my makeup gig last night so that means a 3 paycheck week. that will be nice. have a great one robin

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