Thursday, November 12, 2009

Its thursday

yeah for thursday that means one more day till friday. :) :) :) :) i'm so ready for the weekend. A girl at school is having a huge birthday party on saturday. I haven't made up my mind if i'm going There's going to be alot of drinking and craziness, I think i'm going to be sick that day. Plus I want to work on Imats stuff. I know that sounds bad but i live on the wild side. Well I haven't got my pictures yet hopefully tomorrow. I think the guy that posed for my dwarf will die of excitement if I don't get them soon. :) I guess he wore the whole outfit to FHE, I'm pretty sure that there are people out there in the world that think I'm one strange duck. ;) I posted some pictures of the beginnings of chester. I haven't posted pictures in a while. I started on the head and I will work on the body soon. I hope. well i better go eat dinner. have a great night


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