Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lillian Munster

I would love for you to dress us up like that. We will have to find a good occasion. Way to go Rachel on getting the pattern. That will make things go a lot nicer. I don't know about lunch yet. I might have to just get material after work. It has been a zoo around there lately. I am so far behind. I think I am feeling better. I don't think I got this from Casey. I think I got it at work. Everyone has had a really bad stuffy nose. I always just lose my voice with it. I got my orange juice tonight and have been drinking that. I can't think of anything else to do but wait it out now. I have been thinking steriods for my voice but those are one strong med so I am going to wait it out. My voice does sound a lot better and no one home at night really helps me not talk. I got up for me and Karen. It is the cutest show. I really like it. Well not much else going on here. Dad says he feels like he is getting it now. I hope he doesn't get real sick.


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