Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I had enrichment on Tuesday. It was on Missionaries and how their Mom's influenced them. I had to make labels with all the missionaries addresses on them. I forgot that enrichment was this week so someone calls me on Monday and says that they have all the letters done and I just need to put on the labels because they weren't going to be their on Tuesday. I was thinking what is Tuesday. They hadn't given me that addresses yet so I had to call around and get those and then put them on the letters Monday. I am glad that they called or I would have forgotten. Enrichment went well but it was long. We have 9 missionaries and their Mom's spoke and then they read a letter from the missionary on how their Mom influenced them. Since it is vetrines day Casey has it off so he came home to work on his car and will go back down I think on Thursday. I hope that Mom gets better, I hope that we didn't make her sick.

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