Sunday, June 19, 2022

Happy Father's Day

 Happy Father's Day Dad.  Thanks for being so amazing.  We love you.  It was good to talk to you on the phone today.  Today was good.  The kids slept at Randy's last night so we went over this morning and hung out.  I needed to deliver birthday books so I left for a bit.  We went to church.  The kids were singing in sacrament and I needed to go to primary.  We got a new piano player but she isn't going to be able to play for a while because she is having eye surgery.  It is werid.  Then we headed back to Randy's and stayed until bed time.  Collin smoked a brisket and it tasted so good.  He makes amazing things with his smoker.  We watched movies and talked.  We also walked to the park.  Their were a bunch of branches so we played war with them.  The girls are leaving tomorrow and we are sad.  We will miss them.

Love Rachel

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