Monday, June 20, 2022


Since Friday Randy hasn't been feeling well and Tiffany started not feeling good yesterday so last night they took a covid test and it was positive.  Max and Lily tested positive also.  Max wasn't feeling good to whole trip and stayed in his room most of the time.  He thought it was allergies.  So Mandy and Charlotte were going to visit a friend in SLC today and they cancelled that just be safe with everyone getting covid.  Tiffany was going to go home today also but decided to stay so we got to spend the day with them which was nice.  I walked this morning and as soon as I got home a huge rain storm came through.  The kids were all asleep so I let them sleep in and went to exercise class.  It felt really good to go.  We went up to Randy's house.  We were going to go to lunch with them before they left but they decided to stay and had already eaten.  We watched pee wee Herman's big adventure then the kids got hungry and bored so we came home and ate.  Then they played for a while.  I had physical therapy so I took the kids back up and went to that.  After that Casey got off work and we all went to taco time for dinner.  We went back and everyone was watching a movie.  Oliver had a lot of energy so me and him went on a walk and played the park.  It was a really pretty evening.  Here are some pictures from yesterday, I forgot to post them.
Love Rachel

Charlotte left this doll lamp in my sewing room and it scared me to death.

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