Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Today as good. The last fifteen minutes of work we had all these crazy rush jobs and I kinda lost it. I have a temper. But the kid that does grommets was off in la la land and  so I had to grommet so I didn't have to stay all night. I was not amused. But whatever I came home and just had some cookies Amd relaxed. I did decide to go to the gym but the cookies I ate did not help the gym process. But it was nice coming home and having it light out. And I've watched arrested development so that was fun. Walter also told me of this thermal plastic called worlbla and people make cool chest and arm plates with it. So I have been watching you tube to see how to.work with it. When I get my tax return I'm going to buy a sheet and play with it. There was a video on making masks I though I would try to make one like the ones at the venician. Well have a good Wednesday 


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...