Saturday, April 12, 2014


Today was good.  Walter picked me up and took me to breakfast. Then I had a photoshoot in draper, it was with a new girl. After the shoot I got a notification that she recommended me to some one else on face book who wants to do a couple creative shoots which will be fun. I got got my tax refund yesterday and I ordered some worbla. So I want to make a costume piece for a shoot. Then I got a gift card from Walters mom from January to get a pedicure so I thought I would get pampered so after the shoot I went and got a pedicure then I also got a manicure. I mostly just enjoyed sitting in a massager chair. Then I went grocery shopping and got some hair dye. I was getting some greys pop out. And while I was shopping I went to lowes and bought stuff for Walters hellboy hand. I got a heat gun also for the worbla stuff. Then I came home and dyed my hair and relaxed, it was a busy day but it was fun. Have a good night


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...