Monday, November 5, 2018


Rachel what a cute idea getting geodes.  I bet the kids loved that they are really into crystals.  I am sorry you are getting sickness in your family.  I hope they sleep better tonight.  Today at work was a zoo but I made it through.  I am glad that Jenkins made it through the day without you  Geode hunting would be really fun.  Let's do that.  Dad said he had a quiet day and did a lot of reading on Karen's book.  he said he is enjoying that.  He needed some down time.  I have to go to work early tomorrow.  I have to take minutes for a 7:00 meeting.  I turn my project in tomorrow so that should be interesting.  I hope I do OK.  I got one today and it was pretty fancy.  Mine doesn't look that professional but Oh well I am so ready to be done.  Karen stay warm.  It is getting chilly up your way.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

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