Wednesday, August 31, 2022


 Today was good and better than yesterday.  Work we had a team meeting in the morning.  Then they did a company photo shoot then each department.  We all wore neutral clothes, like black, tan, white or grey and I think that looked nice if we want to do that for our pictures.  The wreaths I have been working on one got approved and the project I messed up I finished again.  Emily came over to play after school and the girls had a fun time.  Isaac didn't have homework and he skipped young men's.  So he had a relaxing night.  Oliver did so much better on his homework.  We were teasing that banana's help him focus so he was eating a bunch.  It was funny.  Oliver wanted a frozen pizza for dinner since he did so well so he had that.  Me and Ruth got a jdwags hotdog and Isaac and Casey made Indian food.  Me and Casey walked while the kids had their hour and that was really nice.  It sure is hot.  The school sent a email out saying they don't have ac and it is hot for the kids.  I wish the would put a in the school.

Love Rachel 

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...