Friday, September 27, 2019


Robin, Casey was thinking of using the Jeep next week to cut some trees so that would work great if you pick up the pallets and then drive the Jeep up here.  Thanks for decorating the house, we are excited.  We noticed that Zuchers is in Logan now which is fun.  Today was good.  I walked and we went to exercise class.  I helped in Oliver's class.  The kids were crazy today and the teacher was busy.  We ate lunch with Isaac and that was fun.  We went to the library after school.  Isaac had scouts and they walked around the cemetery and talked to the guys who takes care of it.  Someone came by and looked at our roof.  They said that we have a lot of hail damage and our insurance would pay for a new roof.  Randy has the same thing and they are going to get a new roof.  We aren't sure and might get a second opinion.  We have been talking about what to get Casey for his birthday and he decided to get a camera like Karen has. So we went to Best Buy and got one.  Then we went out to ice cream.  We will install the camera's tomorrow.  Thanks guys and have a good weekend.  Have fun Mom.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...