Thursday, February 22, 2018

Crazy hat day

Isaac and Ruthie didn't sleep well so I was tired today.  It was crazy hat day so Isaac and I made a straw hat this morning.  It was fun and he was really happy with it.  We got our tax refund today which is fun.  I bought a batting roll and it should come next week, I am excited.  After we dropped Isaac off we ran some errands and walked around the fabric store.  I wanted to make Ruthie a nicer blanket to replace her tattered one.  I asked a lady who worked what would work best.  She said just kept making her ones like she has.  She said I could put a back on it but she probably wouldn't like it, so that is what I am going to do.  I bought two yards of the same fabric and I will just keep replacing it.  Oliver had school and Ruth took a nap so I finished ironing my postage stamp quilt, it is a lot of little blocks.  Casey went home teaching tonight and we just watched a movie.  It is so cold outside I hate to go out too much.  We are headed down tomorrow and we will be there around dinner.  Thanks guys.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...