Monday, February 19, 2018


We had a good day off.  This morning we wanted to go sledding so we went and bought some new sleds and new gloves for the little kids, they were 70% off which was awesome.  We went to old main and it was fun.  Ruth and Oliver got cold so we came home and had lunch.  Casey went back to the store with Isaac and bought all the kids ski pants so they wouldn't get so cold and while they were on sale.  He found a cute coat for Ruthie also which she loved.  We went sledding again at Hyde park and we had a really fun time and the kids didn't get so cold with their pants.  We picked up dinner on the way home which tasted good.  Isaac got his science kit from Grandma and Grandpa in the mail so we had snot for dessert. We played a lot of video games today also, I am addicted.  Love you guys.


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