Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Today was good, I was a little tired from the late night but not too bad.  This morning we went to Walmart and bought the boys toys with the two dollars from Grandma.  It was a lot of fun, we just got little toys and walked around.  They also had a new Thomas show so we bought that also.  Isaac had school and everyone really liked his shirt, it was pink and white day.  I worked on my basket and it has been fun to do.  Ironing went really fast with the tool we got Mom.  Casey worked on his engine, I attached a picture of it.  When Isaac got home we played outside it was a nice day.  They ended up wet and sandy so it was a success.  We went and got ice cream after dinner which was fun.  Well thanks for everything guys, have a good night.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...