Friday, June 9, 2023

Paint night

 Work was busy and I was tired. My body just falls asleep. I hate that. I met dad and Karen at target at brickyard. It is too tiny. They don't have much there. We had dinner at taco bell and then went to the zoo. Karen got us a year pass if any one wants to see the elephants before they leave. I love watching them. We had paint night and did zebras. They just showed us the picture and we traced it.  The had a mom zebra and a rainbow baby. Let's say they will have a good home in the garbage. They used water colors and they are a lot harder to control. We went to munchies for ice cream. Rache you should make us a puff quilt dragon. Jk. We are going with robin to the temple open house. Karen has an eye appointment. Rachel have fun in Clifton. One of the guys said they went to lagoon after work and there were no lines. They rode 13 rides. Just FYI. Love mom

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...