Friday, March 18, 2016

It's Friday :)

The weather was a lot nicer today and we were able to spend a lot of time outside which made the day go a lot better.  It was nice.  This afternoon me and Isaac did some stretching and it was really fun and it felt really good.  Isaac even had a fun time doing it.  I think it is going to be good for both of us to do.  We were coloring with the smelling markers and I drew a rainbow.  Isaac didn't like the smell of some of the colors so he just made a purple rainbow for the smell, I attached a picture.  He also made me and Casey pictures to hang by our bed so we have something nice to smell at night.  Casey took the boys to a show, zootopia, tonight so I took Ruth on a walk and after I got her to bed did some sewing.  It was nice.  Casey isn't going to change the timing belt Mom so we can meet you anywhere on Sunday if you want.


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