Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Thanks for the pictures Robin, that is so fun.  Jenn said that she has been their and she said it is a clean city, she liked it.  I want to go now.  I forgot to say that yesterday I taught Isaac how to play Yahtzee and he loves it.  He got two yahtzee's (he didn't even cheap the whole time) and now he thinks he is the best and loves the game.  We played it again today but Oliver was crying and we didn't finish.  Also Isaac is back on spaghetti,  I have been trying to get him to try new things and he loves spaghetti again, it is nice. We went to story time this morning and it went well.  Ruth slept the whole time and the boys were really good.  Jenn came over to sew and that was fun.  It gets crazy with all the kids here but we still get to talk. Casey had scouts tonight and brought doughnuts so we got to sample a few, they were good.  When he got home they boys wanted to go outside and play.  It started to downpour snow and they loved it.  I attached a picture of the trampoline, they are on it but it is hard to see them.  I was thinking about Easter Mom and I think that they jump zone or swimming lessons or swimming passes would be fun.  I told the lady with the quilts that I only could stitch in the ditch, no fancy quilting, she would have to find someone else to do it.  She is thinking about it, I hope that she finds someone else.


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