Monday, March 14, 2016

Say Hello to the Windy City

Good luck tomorrow Robin.  I hope that your trip in amazing and you have a wonderful time.  I have always wanted to visit Chicago, take a lot of pictures.  It snowed her today also.  Isaac kept saying he missed spring.  Isaac had school today and he got to wear his rainbow shirt and he was very excited.  I needed some thread so we went to Joann's while he was at school.  Casey didn't sleep the night before so he called in sick.  He got a lot done today and had a good day.  We were setting things up on the dvd and signed into vudu.  I put on Jurassic world and Isaac and Oliver really liked it.  Isaac watched the whole thing which made me laugh.  I decided to hang my orange quilt up downstairs so we went to shopko tonight and got a curtain rod.  I used the $10 coupon that you gave us Mom so it was only 10 dollars, thanks Mom.  I finished the second quilt for that lady, it turned out good, thanks for the advice on it Mom.  Good luck again Robin, I am excited for you.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...