Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Good job on your craft room Robin, it looks really good.  Today was busy and good.  I babysat this morning and it was really nice weather so the kids played outside for most of the time which is fun.  Oliver had school and Ruthie wouldn't nap.  She doesn't realize that she can get out of bed, she dropped her blanket and was crying for me to pick it up.  Isaac has a lot reading he needed to do today and was dragging his feet on it.  Casey picked up Thai food for dinner and it tasted really good.  We sewed teddy bears for young women's.  We didn't even get to the sewing machines, the girls were embroidering their faces so we are going to finish it for another activity.  I forgot how much they don't know.  We went shopping afterwards for food for the retreat.  I hope that it works out ok and is fun.  Thanks Mom for coming up.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...