Saturday, April 1, 2023


 I got up early and went to exercise class which was fun.  I sewed a bit and I am really liking the block I made.  Ruth had a birthday party and she had a fun time.  I went Easter shopping while she was there.  Me and Ruth went and got our hair cut.  She let me straighten her hair and it looked really pretty.  We dyed Easter eggs and the kids were sad we didn't do it with everyone.  I need to plan better.  Casey took the trailer to the dump and I helped Isaac cook dinner.  We went on a walk and it was nice to get out.  Me and Casey watched The Unbearable Weight of Incredible Talent and it was really good.  I really liked it.  See you tomorrow.

Love Rachel

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...