Friday, February 4, 2022


 I am sorry you guys are sick Robin.  Hang in there.  Isaac joints hurt really bad this morning from skiing.  I gave him some medicine and sent him to school.  I thought it would help moving.  He said he felt better in the afternoon.  We went to exercise class and I got Josh Groban tickets.  I just took a break and bought them.  I am so excited to go.  With the shorter school days they switched the time to help on Ruth's class.  So I was able to walk Tony and then help.  We had a coupon for free cupcakes so we went and got them after school.  The kids were so happy and nice.  We had a fun time.  Then we went and cleaned the van.  It was awful and it feels better now.  I had a free hamburger at Culver's so we went there for dinner.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow Mom.  We are excited to see you.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...