Thursday, October 8, 2009


So today we learned how to make stubble and also old age stipple. I was fun to learn. I defiantly need more practice. But last night I was stressing about my photo shoots for school. because I have to come up with 4 ideas. But one idea I came up with last night I think will be cool. I'm doing grimm fairy tales as my theme, so I am going to ask an old lady from church to be turned into a witch from hansel and gretel and then make her face burned like she got burned from being pushed into the fire pit. I think it will be pretty sweet. I was excited. I just hope the lady will be up for it. anyway i'm sleepy, have a great night.


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 Your shed is looking really nice Robin, good job.  I am glad you finished the flooring in the spare bedroom.  That has to feel good.  Yeste...