Sunday, October 4, 2009

bugle boy of company b

I'm so glad that adia was amazing. I like watching the plays cause it does make the story flow better. I love listening to the soundtrack after because you get the visual image with the songs. Well my photo shoot went well today. We were doing 30 style makeup, I was nervous about the hair because it was finger waves but everyone complimented on my hair. So it made me feel good. It was funny though my second girl I was working on was black and when she sat down she was kinda dressed like a newsies paper person. Well her face and really short hair I didn't know if she was a boy or girl. eeek so I asked questions to try and formulate what gender I was working on. Luckly it was a girl So I put on really elaborate fake eyelashes. I think she looked girly after. I asked my friends to see if I was weird but they had a hard time to, they actually thought for a minute I was putting fake lashes on a guy. I felt bad but it was a awkward scenario to be in.. But anyway the girl in charge said that some photos may be published in a magazine. So hopefully one of my girls get in . :) well I better run. Have a great night.

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