Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Start of birthday shopping

Rachel, I love that quilt.  It is beautiful.  You did a really good job.  Zucchini sounds really good.  I love it when the garden starts coming on.  It all tastes so wonderful.  I am glad your scouts turned out.  I wondered how that went.  You do a good job.  Work was good.  Not much going on but it seems like I am always busy.  I did plan our work summer party for August 1st.  It is going to be at Sugar House Park.  Karen is it OK if we are late to the party?  I am worried that will look bad.  I don't think we can get up there before 6.  I will keep you posted on that.  We picked Robin up for dinner tonight and went to spaghetti factory and then we went birthday shopping.  Rachel was that a hint?  I hope so.  I want to get one more thing and then I will be done.  I hope that got you all excited.  I ordered some wall decals tonight with my birthday gift card.  They are gerber daisies and I am going to put them in the hallway as you come out of the bathroom.  I think they will look cute there. Have a great hump day.  Just think next week at this time we will be packing and in the morning we will be leaving for Yellowstone.  I just thought that might make you all excited.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...