Sunday, May 17, 2009

And I can't stand it

The title of this post is from "Singing in the Rain", it has been stuck in my head all day. Well I had a busy weekend working out side. I am starting to get a tan so that is nice. On Friday we went and saw Star Trek. It was a good moive. We both liked it.

On Saturday Casey had a bike class and I mowed the lawn again. I also helped Helen plant her garden. Then when Casey got home we planted some seeds, Peas, Carrots and Beans. The plants in the picture are helens and we made ditches next to ours for irragation, it was Casey's idea.

Then on Sunday I got set apart as the camp assistant and Casey went home teaching. Then we went to Mom and Dad's for dinner. We had delious Salmon and home made mach and cheese. Then Casey cut up the Cherry tree. It is off the patio and stacked on my patio waiting to be burned in the fire place.

Robin's Holand Tulips came up and are really pretty.

Robins big grape is also budding and doing really well. All the graps have buds and look good.

And Mom and Dad's herb garden is doing really well and they gave me a bunch of cives, they smell so good.

I love this time of year.

One more thing, we have this in our yard and I always thought that it was for horses. But some people stoped by yesterday when we were out in the yard and she said that when she was little they would hang on it and swing around. Like the witches hat in dugway. I thought that was interesting it is for kids not horses. I am going to have to try it one day, mabye.

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