Friday, May 22, 2009

We have a jumper

I like robins suggestions for names, I was thinking about Tina also, but I was also wordered about him being confused. I like the tinamoecasolivenachel, but they are both male so no babies. :( How about Tina and Conrad for names. We are trying them out. We had some fish named Conrad so I am not sure about that. Moe is a good, that may stick. We were also thinking of calling the brown and white one Jumpy, the reason is in the story below.

Today was a tramatic day for the goats. Helen said about 11:00 she saw the brown and white one out in the front yard about to eat my flowers. So she was able to put him in the workshop. she said that he followed her where she went but I had locked the front door. He got out because I had left the back door open in the stables to give them some air and the little guy jumped over the door. The door comes up to my shoulder and I didn't even think about him being able to jump over it. The little black one didn't do that but he missed his brother all day. he had jumped into a corner trough but their was a log in it and he was sitting on it. When I came home I carried him the brown and white one back in the stables. I let them out in the corral and Helen helped me put up some fencing that Mom bought me in places that they could escape. I cleaned out the stable next to the one that we put them in because it has a full door so they can't get out. I think though that I am just going to have their doors open and keep the stable shut so they can wonder around. One other funny thing is in the stable with the full door that I had cleaned out, they were exploring and I went to help Casey in the pasture. I heard them crying, so I went to see how their were. They had jumped into the corner trough but this one didn't have a log in it so they were stuck. So I lifted them out and put a log in that one also so they could get out.

We had a good evening together. I let them calm down and cleaned the stables and sweep. Then we walked around the pasture and they wondered around. They are really cute and are going to be fun. I know now that they can jump really high and can plan around that. Casey really likes them and is excited to have them. He think that they are cute too. Thank you Mom and Dad for the goats.

1 comment:

  1. I think its funny the black one is a jumper because he reminds me of a cow. The cow (goat) jumped over the moon :) Are goats coniferous, maybe they eat box elder beetles to then you will be set for life. just an idea i had.



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